Monday, August 25, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
This year is my final year in Lasalle college of the Arts already. Time really passes that fast. I have been producing alot of artworks from the past 2 years. Anyway, this year is also nothing special that I will be producing more artworks. Is a joy for me to produce artworks. As I really get to find out what you never experience in real life somehow. This year, I get to propose my own project, which means I can do what I want. As such, I would like to do something related to the "real-life" that we are experiencing it daily. My concept/theme: "Questioning True Happiness". I realized that people now on this modern society are too busy to actually realized what is "true happiness". Are they merely following what people is doing or are they indeed wanting to do? I find that there is no definite "truth" or "correct answers" in today's contexts. Only you will know your "correct answers". I will be doing on "Marriage" as an example to question the viewers. Many couples are stuck with question marks. They don't show it in public cause is embarrassing but they flare out when they are back home. Don't you find it true? Why are people buying stuff which don't suits them cause the society only accept that? Have you ever question that to yourself? "Marriage" is just a example I show here in my work. Marriage= Money, Marriage= Status, Marriage= Being force by parents?
My work will incorporate with- Papercuts drawings, Photography, Mixed Media Paintings, Lino prints and lastly a Film.
What I am showing is not a 'Answer' but a "Question". Can you make your right choice or not? Are you being yourself or not? Lastly, are you happy or not?

Friday, August 22, 2008
AN's Birthday
This year, I am really very surprised with my birthday celebration. I am really very very busy with my work. How would I have the time to talk about my birthday. On that day of my birthday, as usual, I got so many things to do. Went to school early in the morning to do my own work. Follow by a full day lesson- all the way till 8pm night. I never even have time to have my lunch. My dinner was also eaten at the mid of the lesson while listening to the lecturers.- Chewing buns. I am used to it already as long as I am happy with what I am doing, is alright. Thanks to my fellow friends. Despite the busy work they have, they have not forgotten my birthday. I was working alone at my studio space in the morning and they came with a surprise of a cake. Thanks. I would like to thank my fellow ex-secondary school mates as well. As they have also put in alot of effort and wasting money to get me stuff.- 20 DONUTS!! I think they know I have no time for my meals.hahaz. Moreover, a Agnes.b necklace. I like it alot! Thanks! Here are some of pictures my friend took during the celebration. Cheerz to all!!
Thanks Alvelyn as well for the nice don't know what "BA-GU-GU". It is a fruit with her wishes written on it. She left it on my desk the next day. I saw it on the 22nd. Thanks! :)

Friday, August 8, 2008
After a long day of work, we decided to have a great meal. We went to an restaurant named 'JU'. Is a steamboat self session. As you can see from the pictures the food are raw...We are also there to celebrate the achievement of Angela. As she has gotten her scholarship once again. The food there is very special as some of the items are not found anywhere but only there. Especially their sour-plum drink served in small glass bottle,orange in color. Unfortunately, I was too engrossed with the food w/o taking pic of that. Next was the Egg, as the staff even did a demo for us on how we should actually had it. The egg is 'cold' and the sauce is sweet instead of soya sauce. Just like my birthday eating an half-boiled egg. The servings are big also if not it wont cost us a bomb ya. Anyway, enjoy!~

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Old Market-LPS
It has been sometime since I been to Singapore Old market-Lao Pa Sha. I believe there must be some interesting stuff happening after my last visit. It really din disappoint me as it has alot of great stuff. Not only the food but the things happening around there. Is very crowded, as compare to other night life in spore, it might not lose out yesh. I think I am having a heritage tour today. Here are some of the great "Local Delights" I have ordered for snapshots.

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