More photos to come... Still in process...
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The Disposition of Human Truth
Topic: The Disposition of Truth.
Title: Truth is never in particular, but is subject to multiple interpretations.
Have you ever questioned your existence to this world? What is the purpose of your existence? Having to talk about truth and reality, everyone would have their own points of view. In my opinion, nothing in this world is real. They are all virtual and representational objects.
As we do not hold the decision to be existing in this world, I could not answer why I am here. However, I had found the reason for my existence to this world and that is to make a new “creation” which others have yet to “create”.
So why is human reality not true?
“Any study of human reality must begin with the cogito. But the Cartesian “I think” is conceived in the instantaneous perspective of temporality.” As such, this ‘temporality’ brings out the idea that the world of truth are underlying.
Moreover, if Man “were limited to the being of the “I think”, it would have only the truth of an instant” which what blinded us to feel what we are living in is “real”. Therefore, when one answers a question with “I think”, it probably means that he/she makes no claim to the outcome and becoming as an act of continuous “excuse’ to make it pass from one instant to another. Hence, enabling self towards the possibilities which it is. I felt that human beings are behaving in a manner that responds to the environment factors. For example, if you are a gay, you do not do what a couple would do in the public. It is because we might be afraid how the public views us. What we revealed to people is only the surface of us as friends instead of the real in-itself whereby we are gay couple. This anticipated the “lack of being” behaviour and consciously “determines it’s being by means of a being which it is not.” However, this lack of being is an all-positive form of act. This behaviour is right and only in human world there can exists such lacks of being. Thus, I think that Man is not happy although they think they are. For example, after owning a pair of shoe, you will want to own another better pair although the previous one are still in good condition. Hence, “the existence of desire as a human fact is sufficient to prove that human reality is a lack.” In my opinion, this ‘lack’ not only happened in materialistically but in everything, including the ‘lack of freedom and wisdom’.
Freedom is what human beings are always lacked of. It is never enough, a never ending point of greed in us. One’s idea of owing his freedom is just an acknowledgement, an assurance that he had given to himself. It is an excuse given to cover the idea of “free-will”.
Imagine waking up in the morning and find yourself on a tropical island. Everything you need is nicely place for you. This pleasant new subsistence is one entirely without freedom of your choice. No matter how hard you try to escape from the will inside of you, you could not. Therefore, I felt that there is no actual ‘freedom’, which we are consciously hunting for. There is no ‘free-will’ except for personal “desires”.
According to Robert Kane, “belief in free will is a higher order expression whereby oneself is being reflected upon and connected to higher aspirations in human beings toward a worth for their existence.” Though free will does not exist in its originative value, it did enable positive values to exist, such as instances of artistic creativity and acts of charity and kindness. Perhaps, this is how human systems for the society functioning.
I had always believed that free will is actually equals to ‘wanted desire’. Having the value of free will enables one to satisfy the desire in them. But whether we are able to satisfy the desire depends on how we can overcome the obstacles to getting what we want. Moreover, it also depends on whether is it a permanent or a temporary ‘desire’. Suppose that you want some chocolate ice cream because after watching the ice-cream advertisement. However, this desire of wanting to have the ice cream could be just temporal, as you might not want to crave it after a few hours later.
Hence, free will is a natural behaviour and rather good for the people to venture and further create and manipulate new origins. You might want to ask yourself a question regarding what is your desire now?
Probably, you might have one in mind and wanting to have it out of your free will. Knowing free will is just as good as “knowing the truth about ourselves as agents.”
Being “agents”, perhaps, will make a person think that their life is in control of their own, enjoying the freedom to control their will. However, their thoughts will be sham.
We only know whether are we enjoying the “beautiful surroundings” or are we not. Nobody can answer for you. It had always been an open question whether or not we are free. Knowing the truth about oneself is valuable yet contradicting for most of us. Because we are not sure about if truth is something good to look at or something ugly and horrifying.
Perhaps, we should just regard ‘truth’ as a “value” we all should carry in within us wherever we go.
As such, I would like to conclude that with my perception towards the existence of free will, somehow bring values to exist. It enables Man to bring in more aesthetic creativity, charity and good deeds. Example: The construction of museums and galleries. I had always believed that having to “mask-out” the ‘truth’ is a way a person keeps his or her desires going. However, without the existence of ‘truth’, there will not be human reality.
From my points of views, the notion of truth lies on every individual. I am not in any position to justify what is right or what is wrong, what is true or what is false. Do you agree with me? Human beings living in this world some way or another will associate themselves with both the “existence” and “non-existence” world. Perhaps, these would allow a person to risk out and to be inspired by the nature that you and I are living in.
What is your definition of ‘Truth’? Have you ever come across this question in your mind?
‘Truth’ to me is a strange word I can used to describe. Because I feel nobody could define the meaning of truth and what is truth. Knowing the ‘truth’ is just as good as giving a person a “death sentence”, I presumed. They assumed it as something ugly and scary to be thought about. As such, many people do not wish to face the true reality.
Human used to say, “What we are and who we are today is fated by the God.” Do you agree with this sentence? If you do, it probably means that who you are and what you are doing now are all in control by the God which I disagree with the sentence. If a person’s freedom of choice were to limit to the God, then “how could you or I be in control of anything?” Moreover, who knows ‘God’ and what is ‘God’? Nobody could answer if ‘God’ really does exist.
So, what really exists and what does not really exists?
“The object of knowledge is what exists and its function to know about reality.” (Plato). With this quotation from the Greek philosopher, Plato, I feel knowledge is probably the basis element that makes us who we are today. Knowledge makes one much clever perhaps, the right way to avoid from reality and truth. Having this subjection of knowledge could never be eliminated. Thus, this becomes so powerful that it rose up in human’s minds. As such, this principle will slowly inbuilt in its ordinary way and becoming a guideline for us, to look and re-construct things. This whole power of mind to perception, makes ourselves feels comfortable to the “natural forms” and “ideas”. However, this perception will eventually make ourselves lose entirely, and thus, “we are no longer able to separate the perceiver from the perception.”
And they eventually becomes one.
Anyway, knowing the truth and by not knowing the truth somehow is not really important anymore in today’s modern contexts. People are more concerned about the living lifestyle and how they are able to compete with the society. To me, truth is something very personal and dreadful to be remembered. So, I doubt the possibilities of questioning and answering your definition of truth.
Give yourself a good thought and asked yourself if you are living life to the fullest. Perhaps, you might have overlooked certain things that you wish to find out during your life journey, which it could be the “truth” you are searching for.
Hence, I believe that everything that I am doing now is the “truth” which I want to search for in the future. Thus, I doubt we can refine ourselves to what is true and what is not true. Probably, we could actually define what truth is, what our desires are when we are in mortality. Lastly, I believed that knowing the truth could make one die, but having lies could make one survive.
Title: Truth is never in particular, but is subject to multiple interpretations.
Have you ever questioned your existence to this world? What is the purpose of your existence? Having to talk about truth and reality, everyone would have their own points of view. In my opinion, nothing in this world is real. They are all virtual and representational objects.
As we do not hold the decision to be existing in this world, I could not answer why I am here. However, I had found the reason for my existence to this world and that is to make a new “creation” which others have yet to “create”.
So why is human reality not true?
“Any study of human reality must begin with the cogito. But the Cartesian “I think” is conceived in the instantaneous perspective of temporality.” As such, this ‘temporality’ brings out the idea that the world of truth are underlying.
Moreover, if Man “were limited to the being of the “I think”, it would have only the truth of an instant” which what blinded us to feel what we are living in is “real”. Therefore, when one answers a question with “I think”, it probably means that he/she makes no claim to the outcome and becoming as an act of continuous “excuse’ to make it pass from one instant to another. Hence, enabling self towards the possibilities which it is. I felt that human beings are behaving in a manner that responds to the environment factors. For example, if you are a gay, you do not do what a couple would do in the public. It is because we might be afraid how the public views us. What we revealed to people is only the surface of us as friends instead of the real in-itself whereby we are gay couple. This anticipated the “lack of being” behaviour and consciously “determines it’s being by means of a being which it is not.” However, this lack of being is an all-positive form of act. This behaviour is right and only in human world there can exists such lacks of being. Thus, I think that Man is not happy although they think they are. For example, after owning a pair of shoe, you will want to own another better pair although the previous one are still in good condition. Hence, “the existence of desire as a human fact is sufficient to prove that human reality is a lack.” In my opinion, this ‘lack’ not only happened in materialistically but in everything, including the ‘lack of freedom and wisdom’.
Freedom is what human beings are always lacked of. It is never enough, a never ending point of greed in us. One’s idea of owing his freedom is just an acknowledgement, an assurance that he had given to himself. It is an excuse given to cover the idea of “free-will”.
Imagine waking up in the morning and find yourself on a tropical island. Everything you need is nicely place for you. This pleasant new subsistence is one entirely without freedom of your choice. No matter how hard you try to escape from the will inside of you, you could not. Therefore, I felt that there is no actual ‘freedom’, which we are consciously hunting for. There is no ‘free-will’ except for personal “desires”.
According to Robert Kane, “belief in free will is a higher order expression whereby oneself is being reflected upon and connected to higher aspirations in human beings toward a worth for their existence.” Though free will does not exist in its originative value, it did enable positive values to exist, such as instances of artistic creativity and acts of charity and kindness. Perhaps, this is how human systems for the society functioning.
I had always believed that free will is actually equals to ‘wanted desire’. Having the value of free will enables one to satisfy the desire in them. But whether we are able to satisfy the desire depends on how we can overcome the obstacles to getting what we want. Moreover, it also depends on whether is it a permanent or a temporary ‘desire’. Suppose that you want some chocolate ice cream because after watching the ice-cream advertisement. However, this desire of wanting to have the ice cream could be just temporal, as you might not want to crave it after a few hours later.
Hence, free will is a natural behaviour and rather good for the people to venture and further create and manipulate new origins. You might want to ask yourself a question regarding what is your desire now?
Probably, you might have one in mind and wanting to have it out of your free will. Knowing free will is just as good as “knowing the truth about ourselves as agents.”
Being “agents”, perhaps, will make a person think that their life is in control of their own, enjoying the freedom to control their will. However, their thoughts will be sham.
We only know whether are we enjoying the “beautiful surroundings” or are we not. Nobody can answer for you. It had always been an open question whether or not we are free. Knowing the truth about oneself is valuable yet contradicting for most of us. Because we are not sure about if truth is something good to look at or something ugly and horrifying.
Perhaps, we should just regard ‘truth’ as a “value” we all should carry in within us wherever we go.
As such, I would like to conclude that with my perception towards the existence of free will, somehow bring values to exist. It enables Man to bring in more aesthetic creativity, charity and good deeds. Example: The construction of museums and galleries. I had always believed that having to “mask-out” the ‘truth’ is a way a person keeps his or her desires going. However, without the existence of ‘truth’, there will not be human reality.
From my points of views, the notion of truth lies on every individual. I am not in any position to justify what is right or what is wrong, what is true or what is false. Do you agree with me? Human beings living in this world some way or another will associate themselves with both the “existence” and “non-existence” world. Perhaps, these would allow a person to risk out and to be inspired by the nature that you and I are living in.
What is your definition of ‘Truth’? Have you ever come across this question in your mind?
‘Truth’ to me is a strange word I can used to describe. Because I feel nobody could define the meaning of truth and what is truth. Knowing the ‘truth’ is just as good as giving a person a “death sentence”, I presumed. They assumed it as something ugly and scary to be thought about. As such, many people do not wish to face the true reality.
Human used to say, “What we are and who we are today is fated by the God.” Do you agree with this sentence? If you do, it probably means that who you are and what you are doing now are all in control by the God which I disagree with the sentence. If a person’s freedom of choice were to limit to the God, then “how could you or I be in control of anything?” Moreover, who knows ‘God’ and what is ‘God’? Nobody could answer if ‘God’ really does exist.
So, what really exists and what does not really exists?
“The object of knowledge is what exists and its function to know about reality.” (Plato). With this quotation from the Greek philosopher, Plato, I feel knowledge is probably the basis element that makes us who we are today. Knowledge makes one much clever perhaps, the right way to avoid from reality and truth. Having this subjection of knowledge could never be eliminated. Thus, this becomes so powerful that it rose up in human’s minds. As such, this principle will slowly inbuilt in its ordinary way and becoming a guideline for us, to look and re-construct things. This whole power of mind to perception, makes ourselves feels comfortable to the “natural forms” and “ideas”. However, this perception will eventually make ourselves lose entirely, and thus, “we are no longer able to separate the perceiver from the perception.”
And they eventually becomes one.
Anyway, knowing the truth and by not knowing the truth somehow is not really important anymore in today’s modern contexts. People are more concerned about the living lifestyle and how they are able to compete with the society. To me, truth is something very personal and dreadful to be remembered. So, I doubt the possibilities of questioning and answering your definition of truth.
Give yourself a good thought and asked yourself if you are living life to the fullest. Perhaps, you might have overlooked certain things that you wish to find out during your life journey, which it could be the “truth” you are searching for.
Hence, I believe that everything that I am doing now is the “truth” which I want to search for in the future. Thus, I doubt we can refine ourselves to what is true and what is not true. Probably, we could actually define what truth is, what our desires are when we are in mortality. Lastly, I believed that knowing the truth could make one die, but having lies could make one survive.
Copyrights, All rights reserved. Thanks
Thursday, September 25, 2008
This is actually a video taken for the process of me looking for people from the public to put on the tees I have made. This is actually to find out how the people of the public respond differently towards their own definition of Happiness. Instead of shooting only going around looking for people, I came up with my own "show/program" and scripts. It is to make it like a "show" or a "film" you are looking at. These are all the NGs!!! I will give up my dream of becoming a "Actor". I have a hard time memorizing the scripts!!! Unfortunately, I cant upload the final video due to space restriction. So, for those who hates me, this is something you can laugh at me. Pls cover your mouth. Enjoy!!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Artworks continued...
This is another piece of work I have done recently. Is 'Lino-Print' on Tee. I have change to my own slogan. Instead of 'Life is Great', I have changed to 'Life seems Great'. Not only by doing the tee itself, I will be going to public asking the public to wear it if they are willing and agree with my thoughts. A very big thank you to those who are so supportive of my work and help me in wearing these tees. Hopefully I can partner with Giordano and they can help me reproduce these design and be wear by the public who supports my idea of 'Life seems Great' only. Thanks to all. :)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Artworks continued...
3rd piece in process... This is actually going to be projected in within all my works. As this work is to show that the 'Media' around as, the 'environment' we are living in now are rather tough. Some people with fame and status, they are not happy but they could not get out of it. They are afraid of the public, the media.

Artworks continued...
This is my 2nd Artwork in combination of my 3 pieces at the bottom. Is another form I used to show our ugly side of us. I really appreciate those people who help me in gather of the smiles. I would also like to thank those who are so willing to let me have your wonderful smile. Taking people's smile makes me find out something really strange too. I am more sensitive towards the way they smile and portray themselves. Many different behaviors although is just a "smile". Is fun and I really like the outcome I have done. Is a tough time for me to gather all the smiles as well as to edit it one by one. Furthermore, to cut it out so small and lastly to stick all into a 'screaming mouth'.

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