
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Thus, I personally feel and suppose that happiness is just out of reach, no matter whom you are, where you are from. It seems so near but yet rather far from anyone of us. Although we cannot really explain the term ‘Happiness’, we can experience the feeling of being happy despite whether we are rich or poor. I believe everyone of us have the equal rights to pursue our own happiness regardless of be it the same or not. 

Have you ever asked yourself why life seems to be always in constant strain? When we are already at the peak of our aspiration, we suddenly feel that strange feeling of dissatisfaction. Why can’t we stay at the height and enjoy our success and satisfaction without anything to strike us down to square one, and being illus-ional again?

The enjoyment of your contentment can comes only in seconds or in minutes and then, after we have tasted its sweetness, we slowly descends to our normal conditions- that is the possession to achieve higher, nevertheless when it comes to ‘happiness’.

Hence, I wonder whether you agrees with me that ‘happiness’ do comes and disappear so fast just like we have to pursue our satisfaction all over again.....